Motivation: Myths and Realities

  • November 07, 2013
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • CCBC Hunt Valley, McCormick Road.


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Myths and Realities

Thursday, November 7th

8:00 am to 8:30 am Networking & Breakfast
8:30 am to 9:30 am Presentation

CCBC of Hunt Valley
11101 McCormick Road
Hunt Valley, Md

Bev Rosen MSW, MBA
 Professional Training & Development Coach


Motivating employees has been a concern for a long
time – only now “engaging” employees has become
the new password  for motivation. But the why, when,
how, and who has led to a series of successes,
failures, and back-lashes. In fact, many organizations
and their managers do a terrific job de-motivating
their staff, but they don’t know what they are doing
wrong.  This workshop will allow us to discuss our
success and failures through examining these topics:

 What is the definition of motivation and how does intrinsic motivation differ from extrinsic motivation?

Can you identify what motivates you and can you match
the correct motivational style to the situation
and the individual?

What’s wrong with this statement “I can motivate my people” – Really?

How can I provide constructive criticism and still
motivate my staff?

Are you focusing your motivational efforts on the right
people – the Kicks, the Keeps and the Karats?

What are the best tips for motivating employees and how does Human Resources translate this to its management.

And here’s the best part – since learning should always have a fun aspect – we’re all going to play JEOPARDY!

Guests may attend one HVBF Roundtable before joining the HVBF.