How To Write An Intriguing Book

  • July 18, 2012
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • at the Embassy Suites - Hunt Valley


  • Non-member Guests

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Hunt Valley Business Forum
Partners In Progress
How To Write An Intriguing Book

Wednesday, July 18th
8:00 to 8:30 am Networking
( Continental Breakfast)
8:30 to 9:30 am Presentation
Embassy Suites 
213 International Circle, Hunt Valley

Leslie Atkins
Owner - LA Communications, LLC
Award-winning Author & Ghostwriter


Everyone loves a great story. If you have a story to tell and you want to write a book, this roundtable is for you. 
If you’ve never written before, or if you have writing experience but don’t know where to start on a book, this event is for you.

Speaker Leslie Atkins is an award-winning author with two published books and she is under contract for her third. Leslie was a "Ghost" writer for Oprah Winfrey.
She is also owner of LA Communications, LLC, a writing and editorial firm that specializes in the expert
ghostwriting of books, articles, speeches, websites and biographies.

“Executives frequently have great knowledge and fascinating stories,” explains Leslie. 
“But often they are without time or skills to capture their thoughts.  That’s where we come in.”

Learn how to conceive, develop, write, and edit a book. Gain understanding about topic selection, the importance of a detailed working outline,
and choosing a title. Obtain information on finding a traditional publisher or alternately deciding to self-publish.

Anyone who has expertise in their field, who gives speeches, or who wants to advance their career, should consider writing a book. 
If you end up with a good or even a great book, you’ll find that being an author is a tremendous asset.

A book becomes part of your legacy for your company, your area of expertise, and yourself. 
Come to the HVBF Roundtable and find out all about it.  Sign up now.

Guests may attend one HVBF Roundtable before joining the HVBF.